Protected Species Surveys

newt pondCertain animal species are protected under various UK and European legislation. Wilkinson Associates can carry out specialist surveys for protected species, including the following:

Depending on the situation, we can carry out surveys for other species too, including natterjack toads, otters, birds and bats. If necessary we can call upon a species expert to carry out a more detailed survey, e.g. for bat roosts.reptile habitat

Protected species surveys are often required as part of an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) or for projects where licensed mitigation measures need to be implemented. The level of detail required for protected species surveys varies according to the needs of the project and to comply with best practice guidance. For example, up to four visits per pond are usually needed, using several different survey methods, to assess whether great crested newts are present. Please contact us for further details or to discuss your project requirements.


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