Ecological Impact Assessment

Quarry cliffWilkinson Associates has extensive experience of preparing Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA), either as stand-alone reports or forming the ecological chapter of a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

To prepare an EcIA we will need to carry out baseline surveys of habitats and any protected species on the site, evaluate the nature conservation significance of the findings using established criteria, and assess the likely ecological impacts of the proposals.

We work closely with our clients and their advisors as it may be necessary, where possible, to amend the proposals so that an impact on a valuable habitat or protected species is avoided or minimised. This can help to avoid delays and/or unnecessary costs to the project. EcIA figHowever, if an impact is unavoidable we will work with you to design an appropriate and proportionate mitigation scheme. This often involves detailed discussions with statutory agencies and local authority planners and ecologists to agree a solution which is acceptable to all parties.

We take particular care to prepare EcIA reports which are clear, accurate and authoritative, and this is reflected in the number of complex projects which have been able to proceed with no significant objections on ecological grounds.  However, if there are difficulties in the planning process, Jan Wilkinson has considerable experience of working in consultation with stakeholders to find acceptable solutions.  She is also experienced in acting as an Expert Witness at Public Inquiries, having prepared and presented evidence at more than 10 inquiries.

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